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How to prepare your property for sale?


Early fall offers excellent opportunities for home sellers!

The last quarter of the year is shaping up to be a strong one for the property market in Bulgaria, and from a sellers' perspective, this season has less competition and new listings compared to spring.

Against this backdrop, owners of completed properties are still in the position to take advantage of supply shortfalls and make a sale at good levels and in a short timeframe.

Our observations also show that early autumn is one of the strong seasons because of the life cycle of buyers. People who have been away during the summer are returning to the city and renewing their search for apartments, and the weather is still mild and pleasant, making viewings easier.

Here are the tips of Bulgarian Properties' experts when preparing your home for a successful sale:


As much as we say that buyers are interested in the four walls and the value of the property, the first impression is the most important, and it can make the difference in price. This is especially true for old properties.

Total cleaning and good housekeeping should not be underestimated, whether for sale or rent. This includes immaculate appearance of kitchens, bathrooms, balconies and windows. The price that could potentially be achieved when selling the property is worth considering professional cleaning, including laundering furniture and flooring. When it comes to an old home that has already been used, the key areas in terms of cleanliness and maintenance are the bathrooms and kitchen — emphasise on their appearance most when preparing the home.

Also check for minor issues that can spoil the feel when viewing - squeaky doors, leaking taps, cracked flooring - these small details are easily and cheaply repaired so they don't take away from the main focus when viewing.

Remove any personal items, such as family photos, collections and albums, that may make potential interested parties feel the place is foreign.

Pay attention to common areas - stairwell, building entrance. If necessary, take care of minor repairs or refreshments to make these spaces more welcoming, clean and inviting.

If the home has a patio or yard, make sure it looks maintained - trim shrubs and grass, dispose of fallen leaves, clean up garden furniture.

For houses, it's important to inspect roofs, chimneys, and gutters for any problems such as blockages and deposits.

Make your home spacious

The sale is realised on the basis of the described dimensions and square footage in the deed and sketches of the property. But there is a great deal of subjectivism in the purchase decision about how large and spacious the home feels, do we "see" the square footage described in the documents.

A smaller dwelling, but well organized, may be preferable, even at a higher price per square meter, to a larger but non-functional one. That's why it's a good idea to remove any unnecessary furniture or decoration that makes the space look cluttered and cramped. Make sure there's plenty of light in the property when viewing - this also gives a feeling of spaciousness, and you can even choose specific times of day for those visits when the light in the rooms is at its best.

Create a comfortable viewing atmosphere

The right temperature, pleasant scents and even the right music can enhance the mood and attitude of the property during viewing.

A well-ventilated and air-conditioned space provides comfort during a visit, and the addition of a light and subtle home fragrance provokes the senses.

Prepare a good presentation

When framing your listing, make sure you get everything right - or trust the professionals.

In today's digital world, when viewings themselves can be done virtually, quality photos and videos are essential to capture buyers' interest. A detailed description that highlights the qualities and features of the property and its surroundings is the second integral element of a good listing.

The third key component is price. Work with your real estate agent to research the local market and determine a competitive price.

A good first step in this direction is Bulgarian Properties' online calculator, which gives an express estimation in seconds. And the agency's experts can further support accurate calculations with a free individual property viewing.

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